Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Frauenkirche and snow?

Yesterday I helped Kate with one of her theater classes which was fun, these kids were younger than the horrors from Monday and were very well behaved and excited to be in the class. Afterwards we walked around Dresden. And it SNOWED. Just when I thought I had escaped the mountains of snow in Madison it started really coming down. It only lasted a little while though and soon it was sunny and clear again.

We finally saw the Frauenkirche, one of Dresden's most famous sites. It was completely flattened(along with the rest of the city) by the British and Americans during World War II, and was left a wreck when the Soviets were in charge of East Germany. As you can see from the picture below it has been rebuilt. The black sandstone bricks are the bricks that they salvaged from the original church. They were put back in exactly the same place that they had been originally which I find to be amazing. The new church is also made of sandstone and eventually the whole thing will be black again as the sandstone oxidizes.

I think Dresden is gorgeous despite all of the construction going on. Pictures of the city are below.

Here is the church in 1991 before reconstruction.

Some Police walking with a suspicious man.

Another view of the Frauenkirche

Kate in front of the river Elbe, behind her you can see the Frauenkirche. She is trying to hide the fact that she is drinking a coffee from McCafe...

Me also in front of the Elbe with Alt Stadt and the Kirche behind me.

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