Friday, April 11, 2008

It's April 11th and there might be snow...

Looks like winter isn't over yet....they are predicting SNOW for tomorrow! It will be worse up north and in MN but Madison might get some of it. I am SO SICK of winter! But I do admit that I would prefer a light snow to the crazy rain and wind that caused my umbrella to break yesterday. I can't wait for spring to get here, but who knows, maybe we will skip spring this year and go straight to summer.

On a happier note I'm leaving work early to see Jeopardy being filmed at the Kohl Center this afternoon (thanks to Kelly)! Should be very entertaining.


KandA said...

i MISS you!! you got to see dave rand?! i miss him!!! freshman year was the best :( i miss you guys! can you believe this weather lately?? its ridiculous! supposed to get sunny now :) i LOVE you!!!

KandA said...

the post prior to this just reminded me of your britney-esque fame. i dont know how you deal with the commoners so well...which reminds me, i sent you a few glossy photos in the mail to sign for some of my friends and professors. THANKS baby!