Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Final Countdown (6 days)

Exciting news: Monkey Business Institute improv comedy was voted NUMBER ONE COMEDY/IMPROV by readers of Madison's very popular and well respected paper: The Isthmus. We even beat out the more well known Comedy Club. This is great news for our group and I am performing with them for my very last show on Friday!

It is my final week in Madison. Next Tuesday I will pick my dad up from the airport and we will start our drive back to North Carolina (after a quick stop at the Terrace, of course). I can't believe I've been living in the midwest for 7 years!

I've been having so much fun that I don't want to leave, but I know that summer can't last forever. The past couple weeks have been filled with MANY visits to the Terrace, going out on a boat, playing in some more improv shows (guess I didn't have my last one after all), and Mali's blowout 25th birthday party where we watched Wet Hot American Summer on the side of her house, made use of three different grills and had plenty of beverages (one of these caused me to sleep most of the day Saturday AND Sunday).

I also went to this kid's play place called Bounce U with my improv group. The workers said something like "this is the first time we've seen anyone older than 6 in here". We sure showed them....

I've really been enjoying my consultant work for NTP, I have great bosses who are so excited about what they do, and am looking forward to actually becoming a federal employee in a few weeks (joining the family business). I will, however, really miss my mid-morning and mid-afternoon naps.

I've been SO lucky to have such amazing friends, coworkers, and been part of Madison's most famous improv troupe.

1 comment:

Julie said...

You can take the girl out of Madison but you can't take Madison out of the girl.