Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The end of a vacation

My last night in Red Lodge was a Sunday, but we decided to go out anyway. After Jim and Mary fed us a very strong pitcher of Margaritas (after a 2.5 hour hike which turned out to be a 4.5 hour hike at a dizzyingly high altitude), we hit the our favorite Snow Creek bar one last time.

We thought it would be a quiet Sunday night and we would be able to just chat, summarize our feelings about the trip, discuss the quality our friendship (HA!), and I would attempt to calm the girls down about how sad they would be when I was gone. I said to stop crying, they still had each other (but let's be honest, what's the point if I'm not there?)

Anyway this was all interrupted by the winner of the Red Lodge 2005 Staring Competition. Kate took him on!
And she won.
Kate and Lizza put on fake smiles. They were brave on my last night.
This guy tried to dance with us. At least I think he was dancing.
Anna was not having any of it.

The next morning we documented how sad we were that I was leaving

Wait a second....
I think people express their emotions in crazy ways when they are upset.

Goodbye girls!!!!

The last words I heard before boarding the plane:
Anna: "It is so sad that Kyla is leaving"
Kate: "Are you guys hungry?"

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