Friday, July 9, 2010


Our second day in Yellowstone was also the day of the England vs. Germany World Cup game. My mom and I really wanted to watch but of course there are absolutely NO TV's in the park. None in the hotels, none in the restaurants, none in the bars. This, of course, is part of why Yellowstone is so amazing. However, in this instance we were forced to leave the park and go to West Yellowstone, WY in search of civilization and television.

We carefully planned our day around making it to West Yellowstone on time. We woke up early and got out of our AC-free luxury cabin:

Then we drove all the way to Old Faithful to make sure it still lived up to it's name (give or take 10 minutes)

And then we hurried on our way.

I was so sure the game started at 2pm.

Turns out it was at 9am.

Disappointed we went to the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center instead where we saw rehabilitating grizzly bears and gray wolves. Wolves are almost impossible to see just driving around the park because there are only ~100 of them and they like to stay out of sight. So watching them up close was amazing.....Well, actually they just lay around sleeping the whole time and looked like large dogs. BUT then this one salvaged our day because he got up, walked around, gave us a yawn, and went back to bed. So that was neat.

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