Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Rafting the Yellowstone River

Day 3: On the morning of our third day I awoke to a massive thunder and lighting storm. We were now back in Montana at the Chico Hot Springs Resort which is just north of Yellowstone National Park. Normally on vacation I would just roll over and go back to sleep if it was raining like this, but that morning we had plans to go whitewater rafting. We weren't about to let a little thunder and lighting get in the way, I mean those rafts are made out of rubber! What could possibly go wrong?

However, I was a bit worried about what the "rules" would be and if our trip would actually happen. When I worked at camp we had to wait at least thirty minutes after the last thunder/lighting before we could go on the water. Well, Montana ain't camp and there were no rules, so we suited up in wet suits, splash jackets, helmets, and paddles and hit the river!

Lauren and I are the two people in the back on the left (me) and right (Lauren) . Between us is the rafting guide in-training and behind us the experienced guide. My mom is in the front middle and my aunt in the middle middle.

The rapids weren't too crazy because the water levels were high, but everyone still ended up getting splashed, especially my mom who was in the very front. The rain went away and the sun came out so Lauren and I jumped in the river near the end of the run. Sue thought we were insane (it was absolutely freezing water) but the wetsuits kept us warm.

Afterwards Lauren and I headed straight to the Day Spa to enjoy our well earned massages. ;)

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