Friday, July 31, 2009

A night in Billings!

We spent this evening in Billings, MT attending a live music concert called "Live After Five". It was very entertaining, but I'm not talking about the music, I am talking about the dancers!

Kate and Anna watching the lady who looked a lot like Keith Richards.

Kate: "Where can I learn to dance like THAT?!?"
Anna: "Huh?"
Some locals dancing, they don't mind the height (or age) differences

Afterwards we decided to see a scary movie called The Orphan. On the way inside, Anna got distracted by "heart throb" Channing Tatum
We stopped by Target first to get some candy and other munchies. We had to be sneaky to get them inside!

Kate and I were very disturbed after this movie.Anna was still thinking about Channing.

We are very tired, goodnight!

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