Wednesday, May 9, 2012

the other side

I disappeared and now I'm back!

The last couple months I've been finishing up school, doing research, writing papers, and studying for prelims. TWO YEARS of UNC methods courses were going to be tested by 25 questions over a 6 hour time period.

I took them on Monday May 7th, a date forever marked with terror, and I have to say, the 3 weeks leading up to the exam were absolute HELL. By the time I sat down for the exam I was numb and just wanted to get through it without totally losing my mind.

I thought I'd start drinking right after the exam and never stop but all it took was one beer and I crawled into bed where I stayed for the next four hours.

Tuesday was a recovery day. I slept, I ate, I saw a movie, I went out to dinner and it was wonderful. I walked into work this morning and my boss said "Wow, you look like you got some sleep.I didn't want to say this before but you kind of looked like a cat zombie dragged through the mud these past few weeks. The bags (under my eyes) are gone!"

I find out if I passed in 3 weeks. Until them, I'm going to enjoy my summer.

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