Sunday, August 28, 2011

The sleeping pup

I didn't end up getting a new pup, I got my parent's one year old english setter, Blade! I love having him around my new house, and my roommates claim to like him too. We especially love him after I take him on a run or to the dogpark. We just got back from a run today and he immediatly started scratching up the carpet (see below), making himself a little 'nest'. He thinks he's a cat.

He also has a LOT of new toys and doesn't want anyone stealing them, I had to tell Jess, Nadia, and Julia (my three roommates) to stop borrowing them and get their own orange chewy bones.
After a week he has gotten used to being in a new place and around new people. He has learned to like project runway, food from the grill, and the packers (GO PACKERS!) And he really loves that orange chewy bone.
(He moves too much when he is awake so it is easier to take pictures when he is sleeping, I'll try to get more variety in the future)

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