Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Go America

My friend Kelly hosted a fabulous "Chili for Change" party on election night last Tuesday. She taught me to make vegetarian chili (which was DELICIOUS) and we wore our very American outfits. She even managed to rustle up the lone republican in Madison to watch the election results with. I think it is important to represent all viewpoints (even if they are wrong) and more importantly to have someone to harass when they lose.

In line for life Changing Chili:

Pro-American outfits, representing all parties:

Practicing our reactions if McCain won (notice lone republican in background):

But we didn't have to! Reaction to Obama's victory (I think the Chili actually worked! We'll have to make it again in 2012):


Kelly said...

I just laughed out loud in class.

Ben Creagh said...

Yes we did.
Here in Chile, I watched the results filter in with my Chilean roommates, and they were equally excited to see Obama win.