Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hunt report: Day 1

My sweet little puppy is off hunting with my dad in the middle of nowhere, Wisconsin for the next two weeks. I don't know how I'll survive without him (my dog not my dad), but getting photo updates doesn't hurt.

Dad's Blade updates that I make him send me:

"He had nothing to do with grouse although did chew on downed birds. Now very very tired dog."

"Blade stayed close by and occasionally barked to keep wolves, bears, and cougars away. Appears he has been successful so far."

This last one is probably sarcasm. Blade likes to fall down in submission immediately whenever ANY dog approaches him, so who knows what would happen if he came into contact with a wolf.

1 comment:

Ben G said...

That pup needs to be roughed up a bit! I also heard that he would rather swim through water than run around it...sounds about right .