Thursday, April 29, 2010


It has been a while since I last posted! Things have been busy at work and my friend Mali came to visit me for a few days! I showed her around Chapel Hill, took her to the opening Durham Bulls game (we got box seats and saw the Duke basketball team, they were being honored that night for winning the NCAA championship), and took her on a day trip to Wrightsville beach. I sent her back to Wisconsin looking like a burnt lobster :) It was so fun showing her where I live (especially since I am trying to convince her and Sean to move here!) I have pictures I will post soon.

This weekend I am going camping in the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina and am sooooooooo excited! I haven't been camping since last summer. I need to get a new camera before then because my old clunky one broke.

I meant to post this a month ago, but here is a video of a show I did at ComedyWorx in the Super Sparkle Showcase. It was the finale show, and a few of us helped Paul do a movie montage skit.

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