Friday, September 19, 2008


From left: Julia, Babs, Kelly, Kyla, (beautiful balloon thing in background)A couple weeks ago I volunteered at the Madison Ironman with some friends. We had no idea what to expect, but it ended up being really fun. We got there around 10:30am to set up the station and I spent most of my time making a beautiful ballon banner (with minimal help from others--those in photo only pretending to work).
Yay Balloons!

The finished product:The Ironman consists of 2.6 miles of swimming, 112 miles biking and 26 miles running (a full marathon). Julia, Babs, Kelly and I manned one of the two State Street water stations at mile 6 and mile 19 of the running section (the runners had to do a loop and go past our station a total of 4 times). It was exciting seeing them at the very beginning and nearing the end of the race.

Practicing handing off water:Second place guy: Guy handing drink to running guy

Since we had the first shift we got to see/throw water at the top men and women. It was so exciting when the first guy ran by, we all held out our cups of water and yelled 'WATER WATER' at him, he ended up choosing Julia's water (probably because she is a louder yeller and jumped in front of me), but I got the second place guy. Once we realized the names of the runners were pinned to their outfit things, it got really fun. Some of them were taken by surprise when we yelled their names and some gave us little celebrity waves as if to say "yes, ladies, take it all in, I will accept your water if you are lucky".

Working hard:

Guy passing up the Gatorade table because our water was way better:

I still gave him water even though he was walking because I am a good person:

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