Tuesday, June 15, 2010

No one is better at not beating America than England.

Last weekend I went to the local Irish pub with some friends to watch the U.S.A. play England in the World Cup. The pub was packed to capacity but somehow me managed to score a table and enough seats for everyone. Liz's fiance, Juan, had to throw some winks at a few older women in order to get the last seat.

I was really excited because I've never really payed attention to the World Cup before, but it seems that everyone is so into it this year that it was hard not to get caught up in the excitement. At least two of my coworkers are from England so they were talking about the game, and the World Cup in general, non-stop weeks prior to the start.

Amongst the fans there were those who were subtle about their affiliation (red, white, and blue shirts):

And those who were not so subtle (Yanks to victory in South Africa):

The table next to ours was filled with older ladies each with a mini American flag in hand. I thought to myself, "cool, those old ladies are really into soccer!". However, when England scored the first goal they all started cheering loudly AND frantically waving their American flags. I, along with the rest of the bar, was slightly confused. It turns out that they didn't know which team was which and thought the Americans had scored. I think they figured it out after that.

Plenty of TVs lined the walls
I watched this one:
Kempton, Liz, and, and Juan:

Yay soccer! (and $2 beers!)
When Robert Greene made his infamous screw-up and the American's scored, the whole bar erupted into cheers. At work on Monday I could hear the English accented rants coming from down the hall. I was surprised he came in at all, but I guess a tie is better than a loss.

As Jon Stewart once said (last night) "No one is better at not beating America than England"

If you want to watch the clip from last night's Daily Show and hear some expert commentary, watch the following:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
World Cup 2010: Into Africa - US Ties England
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

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