Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sand volleyball

I joined a summer volleyball league. "One of those drinking leagues?" a friend asked.


But we do also play volleyball. Sand volleyball!

Our first game was last night. We knew we were in trouble when after asking everyone on the team "hey, are YOU any good?" the consensus was a resounding NO.

The trouble we were in was amplified further when I caught a glimpse of the team we were playing. "Oh no." I said. "The girls are wearing those spandex volleyball shorts." Of course this means that they are serious players. Any girl who would willingingly put on shorts so short and so tight it looks like her leg's circulation is being seriously restricted must be "good".

I was right. The three 21 point games were over in a flash. Within half an hour, and we were alloted an hour to play. At one point me and another guy made a pretty great (probably average) play. We were so busy congratulating each other:

me: OMG great job!
him: no YOU did a great job!
me: no YOU!

That we didn't see it until it was too late. It landed right in between us.

So we had a (few) drink(s), at least we are good at hydrating. After becoming accostumed to such good beer here in Wisconsin I had forgotten how Miller Lite tastes like (and goes down like) water.

I think we will get better. But only time will tell. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

DC said...

Um, for the record, those tight shorts make you really good at volleyball. Geez! Get with the program