Friday, May 23, 2008


Grades are in and I did quite well, it's weird that I'm doing better in graduate school than I ever did in undergrad or High School but I'll take it!

This weekend I am headed up north to the cabin. I'm super excited to see my family, my camp friends and just relax, something I haven't done in quite a while.

Last night a bunch of us met up with the Borealis girls who are in town for the next week taking care of the last details of their trip. I am SO incredibly jealous. As you can read from their website the five of them are beginning their second 95 day expedition through Canada to the Artic Ocean. The first was in 2005 and they traveled 1200 miles from Saskatchewan to the Artic Ocean (raising money for camperships at Camp Manito-wish, Click here for their blog)

I was amazed at how calm, confident and unfazed they seemed. Granted they have done a similar trip before but they are heading off into uninhabited and untouched wilderness for the entire summer, I know I would be going crazy with nervous excitement. I can't wait to live vicariously through them via their blog this summer.

Maybe next summer there will be a trip for me (Mali? But first you have to teach me to paddle and all that hydrology sciencey stuff :) )

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