Friday, April 18, 2008


It has been a whole week since watching the filming of Jeopardy and I finally have some pictures. It was really fun watching the tapings (we saw three shows) but in between rounds was the best because Alex Trebek was hilarious!!

He did question-answer with the audience and kept taking questions from "the young man/woman in red" (this is the University of Wisconsin so EVERYONE was in red), told us about his passion for drinking a lot and when asked "boxers or briefs?" replied "thongs".

There was also a special Brett Favre tribute:
Clue: God
Answer (in question form): Who is Brett Favre?

We stepped out of line to take this picture and of course the line finally started to move, it didn't matter as we were in the very back anyway.
Kelly was excited to see Alex, sadly she didn't get this close in person.

Our excellent view of the set!

After the show I checked out the improv show of the group I'm taking an improv class through and then met up with some friends to do some Madison barhopping (meaning going from bar to bar hoping to find one where we could actually stand comfortably). My tooth hurt from a recent cavity filling and I wasn't enjoying beer because it was too cold. Thankfully I was told by a non doctor or dentist friend that the best remedy would be to drink whiskey neat. The pain defintely went away!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Alex doesn't know it yet but drinking is one of my favorite things to do too! I think we're meant to be together!