This past weekend I traveled up to Washington DC to watch Ben graduate with his masters in Sports Industry Management from Georgetown University. His Mom, Dad, Sister, and Maggie joined us and it turned out to be a great weekend.
I was a stalker with my camera's zoom and got some great creepy close-ups of Ben during the ceremony:

The graduate:

With his dad, mom, and sister:

Ben wearing his cool velvet turquoise master's hood. I had one of those too (I think it was silver) and they are so weird looking.

Ben and a very tired Maggie taking a break from shopping on M street. So many people stopped to take pictures of her. She handled it very well, she is a diva and loves attention, but it wore her out for days.

Me, Ben, and the very sleepy Maggo:

Next week we head to Louisville and from there to Northern Wisconsin for Mali's wedding where I will be the most fabulous maid of honor. I can't believe the wedding is in less than TWO WEEKS! And Mali, if you are reading this, that means only TWELVE DAYS TO GO! What the what!!??!!
PS: I expect my itinerary soon so I can commit it to memory and chose appropriate outfits for each event.