Last night I went out to dinner with my old college roommate, Caitlin. I haven't seen her in years even though she lives in Chicago and Madison was only 2 hours away! However, she was in Chapel Hill for work so we got to meet up.
I picked her up at her hotel and proceeded to get very lost on the way downtown. I think she probably caught on to the fact that I'm not the best host when I pulled a U-turn at a creepy dead end gravel road. Luckily she didn't let on that it looked like I was about to kidnap her and remained calm.
Over a dinner of pasta, Tatar tots, and wine we reminisced about our days at St. Olaf and the great times we had at the 3 bars in Northfield. Caitlin was one of the first people I met in college and now it is 3 years post-graduation and I have to say, we have both aged well.
(Actually, we look exactly the same but probably weigh less because we are no longer gorging on the limitless caf food three times a day....)
The most exciting thing is that we are both going to be first time bridesmaids in the March wedding of our other roommate, Diana! The three of us shared a triple room our junior year of college and then lived in a house together our senior year. The wedding will be in Scotsdale, AZ and I already have my ticket and my dress.
In addition to doing improv, I started taking a stand-up comedy class. Hmmmm maybe that will be my wedding gift to Diana and Will...I mean, who wouldn't want stand-up at their wedding???