It is my final week in Madison. Next Tuesday I will pick my dad up from the airport and we will start our drive back to North Carolina (after a quick stop at the Terrace, of course). I can't believe I've been living in the midwest for 7 years!
I also went to this kid's play place called Bounce U with my improv group. The workers said something like "this is the first time we've seen anyone older than 6 in here". We sure showed them....

I've really been enjoying my consultant work for NTP, I have great bosses who are so excited about what they do, and am looking forward to actually becoming a federal employee in a few weeks (joining the family business). I will, however, really miss my mid-morning and mid-afternoon naps.
I've been SO lucky to have such amazing friends, coworkers, and been part of Madison's most famous improv troupe.

I've really been enjoying my consultant work for NTP, I have great bosses who are so excited about what they do, and am looking forward to actually becoming a federal employee in a few weeks (joining the family business). I will, however, really miss my mid-morning and mid-afternoon naps.
I've been SO lucky to have such amazing friends, coworkers, and been part of Madison's most famous improv troupe.